Sunday, February 16, 2014

Change Starts With Me


“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

      We all know that nothing is permanent in this world. Every year, every month, everyday, every hour, every second and every millisecond there are changes happening in this world. You are the change that the world need. Change start with our own selves. We can change the world education is the key to change the world. It is the most powerful weapon so that we can change the world. Maybe if we compare ourselves to the world maybe we just only a small dot but we must always remember that a simple dot is always part of this world. We can change world who knows maybe we can be the next president. We can be a leader and we can help to change the world.We can set our new plans and rules. That can help not just one but everybody.
      Changing is really hard to do sometimes if you are contended with your life. We change for the better so that we expect that some people will not see us doing mistakes. Because committing mistakes sometimes are the reason why people change maybe because of embarrassment. You must first change before changing the world. You and I can change ourselves and we are the change that the world is waiting for. And everyday we must seek for the new things and new experiences.


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